Saturday, July 25, 2015


Addendum - Additional terms at the end of a charter party.

A-Cockbill, A-Cockbell

A-Cockbill, A-Cockbell - Describing an anchor when it hangs by its ring at the cathead or from the hawsehole ready for letting go.


Accommodation - A cabin fitted for the use of passengers.

Access Hole

Access Hole - A hole through casing, bulkhead, floor or deck to enable one to reach work or gear.


Abyss - That part of the ocean lying below 300 fathoms from the surface.


Abreast - Alongside of; on the beam.


Abox - To lay the head-yards abox in a square rigged sailing vessel was to lay them square to the foremast in order to heave-to.

Above Deck

Above Deck - On the deck (not over it; see ALOFT).


Above-Board - Above the deck, and therefore open and visible. This gave rise to the term used to denote open and fair dealing.

About Ship

About Ship - The order to tack the ship


About - Across the wind in relation to the bow. When a sailboat tacks across the wind to bring it from one side to the other, she is said to go about.


Aboard - On or in a vessel. Close aboard is close to another ship or an obstruction

Able Bodied Seamen

Able Bodied Seamen - A member of the deck crew who is able to perform all the duties of an experienced seamen; certificated by examination; must have three years sea service. Also called Able Seamen and A.B.


Abeam - At right angles to the the fore and aft line of the boat, or beside, the boat; on the beam; also Abreast.

Abaft the beam

Abaft the beam - Any direction between the beam and the stern, more behind a vessel than in front of it. Behind a perpendicular line extending out from the middle of the boat


Abaft - Behind or aft of; on the after side of; towards the stern relative to some other object or position.


Aback - Condition of sail when the wind pressure is on the leeward or forward side, with sails backed or trimmed to windward (wind on the wrong side of the sails) Also known as "backwinded"